This Blog

An atheist and the Pope will all agree on one thing, Jesus was a real man who walked on our Earth. The question that is constantly in religious debates is who is he? As C.S. Lewis puts it, Jesus Christ was either the Son of God as he claimed to be, or a madman. Which do you think he is?

I have devoted myself to studying the Bible. Along the way I find myself reaching some conclusions I never would have guessed. Something I believe today may be completely turned upside down tomorrow. Sometimes I come across theologies that my mind can barely comprehend. There are ideas and theories I have struggled with for years. Sometimes I feel as though I am about to reach a conclusion to something I have studied and debated in my mind and then I learn something new. Something that throws everything off and brings me back to square one.

People often ask, what is your religion? Or what denomination of church do you attend? I don’t entirely see why it matters. I have yet to find a denomination that I completely agree with the theology. Even if I think I might completely agree, I may change my mind down the road.

I am beginning this blog because I need a place to write my thoughts down. I need a place where I can access them, reread them, and expand on them. I am making this open to anybody else who might like to read my thoughts. Simply because someone else may find themselves in a state of curiosity or debate when it comes to these issues.

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